Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Greatest Rivalry in Sports

I thought I would take a break from writing about the current topics and show the lighter side of baseball... kinda. The most exciting part of baseball, for me, is not about the great defensive plays, or the home runs. It's about the rivalries. The teams that have a history of hating each other. Rivalries always bring out the best in teams. There are rivalries in every sport, with the Lakers versus the Celtics in basketball, the Patriots versus Colts in football and Barcelona and Real Madrid in soccer. But NO two teams have a bigger rivalry than the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees in baseball. The Sox-Yanks rivalry goes back all the way back to the 1919 and 1920 off season when Babe Ruth left the Red Sox to play for the Yankees. From the year that he left, all the way to 2004, the Red Sox did not win a single World Series. This drought was known as the Curse of the Bambino. 
I blame the Great Bambino for this rivalry. But I don't think that is a bad thing in any sort of way. Honestly, I'm incredibly thankful for the Bambino to change teams. Baseball always has this disclosed tension about it. Tension about how the game is played or in this case, how history effects two teams. To this day the Yankees and the Red Sox rivalry is still on tumultuous levels at points and I am very okay with it. A little roughness in the game will not hurt anybody, and it makes sense for it to get somewhat violent and competitive with a troubling history that started almost 100 years ago. To make things even spicier, the Yankees and the Red Sox play in the same division, the AL East. It is one of the fiercest divisions in baseball, mainly because of the two team's rivalry.  
Here is a video of a few fights between the two teams.. it may seem a little violent but the only way to describe their rivalry without boring you with words. This video is the perfect example of how crazy the tension between the two teams can get. Think about it, it is a 9 minute video of the two teams fighting. That is A LOT of fighting. I honestly cannot wait to watch these two teams play each other every year. It brings out the best in their abilities and increases the tension to a level that leaves the viewer on the edge of their seat. 

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