Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Future Is Now

Question of the Day: With Opening Day only 6 days away, what are your bold predictions for the season?

Happy Holi, friends. I was sitting in the University Center of my college today watching ESPN when I read on bottom of the screen of a report that a current homosexual NFL player is thinking about "coming out" in the next few months. 

As a warning, I feel as if I should touch on this topic. It is important to me and is incredibly relevant in the world today. My beliefs are my own beliefs and I will make them known to you all. If there is a problem with what I write here, then you have my contact information below. 

There is no doubt that the game of football has become America's Pastime. It is the most popular in terms of attendance  television viewing and overall popularity by a consensus poll. It is one of the more rugged sports in this great country and by far the most opinionated among it's players. Players often are stated for being on record for saying that they would feel uneasy or a little awkward if they knew of an openly gay member in the NFL, let alone in their locker room. San Francisco 49ers cornerback was interviewed during Super Bowl week back in February, when he said the following statement after being asked if he were okay with having a gay teammate (per Yahoo! Sports); "I don't do the gay guys man." "I don't do that. No we don't need no gay people on the team, they gotta get up outta here if they do. Can't be sweet with that stuff. Nah...can't be...in the locker room man. Nah." 

While some players are incredibly open about the issue, I do not have an issue with an openly gay NFL player. The NFL is the only organizational sport in America that is incredibly ahead of it's time. The NFL have incredibly efficient medical technology and resources to help players be the best that they can be. If there were any sport an openly gay man should come out in is football because of the protection and the acceptance the NFL would give the man. The player who is to reportedly "come out" would be the face of a population that would see the strength and courage to also "come out" and still play the game that they love. Whether it is football, baseball, basketball or any sport in the world. 

I can see the man potentially becoming a modern day Jackie Robinson. Leading his fellow brothers and sisters in the rise to not be afraid for standing up for their rights as free people, playing the sport that they love and having a sexual orientation that may be different than the majority. There is no doubt that they will face much adversity, but in the end, if they have support from each other and the surrounding community, the world will slowly start to become accustomed to an openly gay athlete. A player's sexual orientation should not be the spotlight on their ability to play their respective sport. It should be spotlighted on the level of skill, and dedication of the player, because after all, it is what got them to the level that they are playing. 

Questions or Comments?
Tweet me: @NeilShelat6

Email me: nshelat6@gmail.com

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