Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Boston Marathon

Question of the Day: Should athletes who are arrested for a DUI be suspended from there respective sports?

The Boston Marathon has been a tradition in the city of Boston, Massachusetts since 1896. Held on "Patriots Day," the third Monday of every April, the Boston Marathon is considered a state holiday. About 20,000 participants run 26.2 miles through Greater Boston in front of about 500,000 spectators. 
The record for fastest Boston Marathon ever run was in 2011 when Geoffery Mutai of Kenya ran the historic race in only 2 hours 3 minutes and 2 seconds. 

Yesterday, tragedy struck at the Boston Marathon. Almost 2 hours after the winners had crossed the finish line, two explosions went off near Copley Square killing at least 3 and injuring 175 others. Inside pressure cookers filled with nails, and other sharp objects the bombs were set off about 600 feet of each other. Being called a terror attack, the city of Boston had it's heart broken. 

On the 66th anniversary of the day that Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball, the city of Boston can and will overcome just as Robinson did. Although different circumstances, by banding together and dealing with the bombings as a city. Having always been a sports town, it is up to the Celtics, Bruins, and Red Sox to bring the joy back to Bean Town. 

Sports are the only thing that bring people together in harmony and peace. They bring joy to billions of people world wide, and while losses can be heartbreaking, fans will never lose their love for their favorite sport. Sports are a way for people to escape from their everyday lives. Sports give people a reason to scream, to cry, and rejoice all in the span of 3 hours. Whether they watch in the comfort of their homes or at the stadiums sports give fans the idea that when their team wins, the world is a great place to be. 

It's not going to be an easy task to overcome the bombings for the city of Boston. For the city of Boston yesterday was more than a tradition or a holiday, it was their soul. It is now up to the other sports team to rally out for their city and let the people of Boston know that it is not a time to lose hope in humanity or to give up, because they haven't given up on the people of Boston. They will go out every single night, as one team and win for their city.

My thoughts and prayers are with the city of Boston as they go through this awful tragedy. 

Questions or Comments?
Tweet me: @NeilShelat6

Email me: nshelat6@gmail.com

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