Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Richard Sherman and His Adderall

Question of the Day: Will the Lakers grab the 8th seed in the Western Conference or will the Jazz beat them out?

I think Richard Sherman is the best defensive back in the NFL. He is physical down field, and covers the receiver with his agility and size to overpower. The problem is though, Sherman may be a pesky defender but he is probably one of the biggest loud mouths in sports since Dennis Rodman. 

Sherman had his break out season last year with the Seattle Seahawks with 64 combined tackles, 8 interceptions, and 3 forced fumbles. But with his new found success and stardom, his knack for media attention seemed to increase as his play got better. Sherman started asking for a trouble when he decided to call out other defensive backs in the league, such as Darrelle Revis, calling him "Irrelevant." A few weeks prior, Sherman was convicted by the league to have taken PEDs but won the appeal on the case. The worst thing he has done though was not even regarding the game that he plays. Sherman was asked to be on the popular ESPN debate show, First Take to address some questions that controversial writer, Skip Bayless had when Sherman verbally attacked Bayless saying; "I am better at life than you." Here is the video:

As you can see, Dick Sherman maybe "defending" his reputation against criticism from Skip, but he does in the wrong way. He didn't answer any questions that were asked to him by Skip. He was rude and egotistical in every single way possible. 

Today, Sherman made more news stating that 50% of NFL players use Adderall and that the NFL has to allow the drug. For me, I don't really know when Sherman became a viable source to speak on behalf of half of the NFL and make a claim about illegal substances in the NFL. Adderall is a drug used for people with ADHD and narcolepsy but athletes have been said to use to remain focused in games. Sherman believes that if there is widespread use of the drugs, then the NFL will be forced to lift it's ban. 
"Are you not entertained?!"

If the NFL does lift it's ban on Adderall because of it's increased use around the league, why is it hard for me believe that Sherman would not use the drug? Even if it helps players with their mental stability during the game, Sherman fought incredibly hard for the appeal to go through; for him to use Adderall would be hypocritical and would hurt the reputation he cares so much about. With that said, there are two parts that every person should see in Richard Sherman. The incredibly athletic football player with attitude and more potential than any other corner back, or Richard Sherman, the self centered 25 year old who makes his opinion known to the world by any means necessary? 

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